
Pisqa’ 159

Pisqa’ 1591


“And he is not to have himself many wives” (Dt.17:17)—

well, not more than eighteen.

R. Judah says:

a king surely may have himself many wives,

as long as they do not lead his heart astray [from Torah].

R. Shimon says:

even one—

if she leads his heart astray [from Torah],

he should not marry her!

If so, why is it stated:

“He is not to have himself many wives” (Dt.17:17)?

Even wives like Abigail (1Sam.25:1-42)!2

“He is not to have himself many wives” (Dt.17:17)—

even wives like Abigail and her companions,

who were upstanding—

he should avoid marrying her!

As for the likes of Jezebel and her companions,

who were wicked (e.g., 1Ki.16:31-33)—

she would certainly

lead his heart astray [from Torah].3


“And he should not amass for himself much silver and gold” (Dt.17:17).

Is it possible to say that

he should not amass for himself wealth

in order to provision his army?

The Teaching states:

“He should not amass for himself” (Dt.17:17)—

for himself he may not amass wealth,

but he may amass wealth

in order to provision his army.4

Another word:

In order to provision his army?

The Teaching states:

“He should not amass for himself” (Dt.17:17).

For himself he may not amass wealth,

but he may amass wealth

in order to provision his army.5

And this is what David did,

as it is said:

“Indeed, though unworthy, I have provisioned

the Abode of HASHEM with gold,

at a hundred thousand ingots,

and with silver

at a thousand thousand ingots” (1Chron.22:14) .

But Solomon devalued the currency,

in accord with what is said:

“And he made silver in Jerusalem

as common as stones” (1Ki.10:26).6

  1. H:193; JN2:28.
  2. =M. San.2:4; cf. T San.4:5.
  3. In many versions, this material is lacking; moreover, it is redundant.
  4. //M. San.2:4.
  5. //M San.:2:4.
  6. The bold-face portion of 159.2 is shared with F:210, ls. 10-11.