
Pisqa’ 129

Pisqa’ 1291


“And you shall slaughter the Paschal lamb” (Dt.16:2)—

so that its slaughtering should be entirely

for the sake of the Paschal lamb.

For if he slaughtered it under a different name,

it is disqualified.


I might infer only that

one who [intended to] slaughter it under a different name

[disqualifies the Paschal lamb from being eaten].

On what basis do I know to include

[a change of intention while]

receiving its blood and sprinkling its blood?2

The Teaching states:

“To celebrate” (`asita;3 Dt.16:1)—

[to perform the rite with full mindfulness].

Is it possible that I should include [as a disqualifications]

the burning of its organ-fats [under a different name]?

The Teaching states:

“You shall slaughter” (Dt.16:2)—

[only acts intrinsic to sacrifice disqualify the offering

if they are performed under a different name].


Now, slaughtering [the lamb] could have been incorporated

[under the rule of other sacrificial rites].

So why is it singled out for special mention?

To use it for comparison:

Seeing that slaughter is distinctive,

in that [improper intention during the slaughter] hinders expiation—

so, too, whatever hinders expiation is comparable to slaughter.

This excludes burning the organ-fats,

for they do not hinder expiation [when offered with improper intention].


“For HASHEM your God” (Dt.16:1)—

[only the acts intrinsic to slaughter must be done]

for the sake of the Unique Name!4


“From the flock or the herd” (Dt.16:2).

Now, indeed—doesn’t the Paschal lamb come

only from sheep or goats [who gather in flocks]?

If so, why does the verse state:

“From the flock or the herd” (Dt.16:2)?

Flocking animals are used for the Paschal lamb,

while herding animals are used for the Festival-offering

[brought on all Festival days, including Passover (Dt.16:14-17)].5

[Flocks and herds are mentioned]

in order to compare

all flocking and herding animals to the Paschal lamb.

Just as the Paschal lamb is an obligatory offering

that must be chosen from an unconsecrated animal,

so, too, every obligatory offering must be chosen

from an unconsecrated animal.6

“In the place at which—there— HASHEM will settle His name” (Dt.16:2)—

[the redundancy of place and there]

implies that one refers to the sanctuary at Shiloh,

and the other refers to the Eternal Abode.7

  1. H: 173-174; JN1: 315-316.
  2. Cf. M. Pes. 5:2.
  3. Cf. the translation of `asita at Pisqa’ 128.1
  4. Cf. Sifre Nu., 143 and Pisqa’ 128.1.
  5. //Mechilta Ishmael, paskha’, 4.
  6. = M. Men. 7:6; cf. T. Men. 8:28 and other citations in F:187, n. 2.
  7. Cf. Pisqa’ 74.2.