
Pisqa’ 134

Pisqa’ 1341


“Then you shall cook and eat it
in the place which HASHEM your God shall choose for it” (Dt.16:7).

This teaches that

[when Passover eve and Sabbath eve coincide,]

they may return {the whole carcass

[to the fire if it is under-cooked],

but they may not return}2 the pieces or the limbs:

words of R. Judah.

R. Yose says:

On the Sabbath—

either this way [whole] or that way [in pieces],

it is forbidden.

On the Festival day—

either this way or that way,

it is permitted.3


“And you shall turn around in the morning

and travel to your homes”4 (Dt.16:7).

This teaches that

[pilgrims with Passover offerings]

require an over-night stay in Jerusalem.
I infer only that

they alone require an overnight stay.

On what basis do I know

to include under this rule

[pilgrims with] bird-offerings, grain-offerings,

wine-libations, frankincense, or wood-offerings?

The Teaching states:

“And you shall turn” (Dt.16:7)—

any turning [from Jerusalem] that you make,

must be from the morning and thereafter.


R. Judah says:

Is it possible to say that

even the Minor Passover,5

requires an over-night stay in Jerusalem?

The Teaching states:

“And you shall turn around in the morning

and travel to your homes” (Dt.16:7).

And it continues:

Six days shall you eat unleavened-bread” (Dt.16:8).

[Conclude from this:]
a rite requiring six days,

also requires an over-night stay.

This excludes the Minor Passover,

which is a rite requiring only one day.

But sages say:

Look—the Minor Passover is like

the wood-offering and frankincense,

[lasting for only a day, but]

requiring an over-night stay in Jerusalem.


“Six days shall you eat unleavened-bread” (Dt.16:8).

R. Shimon says:

One verse states—

“six days shall you eat unleavened-bread” (Dt.16:8),

but another verse states—

Seven days unleavened-bread shall you eat” (Ex.12:15)—

[how do we reconcile this apparent contradiction]?

Unleavened-bread is eaten all seven days—

but for six days eat it from the new grain,

and on the seventh day

eat unleavened-bread from the old year’s grain.6

  1. H:176-177; JN1:324-325.
  2. Bracketed text supplied by F:190, l.11.
  3. // T. Pes. 7:2. See H: 445, Pisqa’ 134, n. 1 for textual comments.
  4. Heb:’ohaleihem; literally, “tents.”
  5. The scriptural rule for the Minor Passover is at Nu. 9:9-13.
  6. // Mechilta Ishmael, paskha’, 8.