
Pisqa’ 142

Pisqa’ 1421


For seven days shall you be festive before HASHEM your God,

in the place which HASHEM your God shall choose” (Dt.16:15).

But isn’t it already said:

“The Feast of Huts, seven days for HASHEM” (Lv.23:34)?

Why, then, does the Teaching [again] state:

“For seven days” (Dt.16:15)?

This teaches that

The entire [seven days of a] Pilgrimage-Festival

may compensate for

[having missed the Festival-offering required on]

the first day.

{Is it possible to say that

a Festival-offering is mandated for

each of the seven days?

The Teaching states:

“You shall be festive with it” (Lv.23:41)—

[it implies that the Festival-offering

is offered only on one of the days].}2

If so, why is it stated:

“For seven days” (Dt.16:15)?

[This teaches that] compensation

[for having missed the first day, is possible]

for all seven days.


“For HASHEM your God will bless you in all your yield” (Dt.16:15­).

Is it possible to say that

only that crop will receive blessing?

The Teaching states:

“In all your yield and in all the work of your hands” (Dt.16:15)—

[thus, all your crops will thrive].

“And you shall know only joy” (Dt.16:15)—

[this clause] includes the eve

of the first Feast-day

in the mandate to rejoice.

Is it possible to say that

I can include the night of the last Feast-day
in the rule of rejoicing?

The Teaching states:

Only” (Dt.16:15)—

[excluding the night of the last Feast-day from the rule of rejoicing].


On this basis they taught

[regarding the Festival-offering]:

Israel may even satisfy its obligation

with Vow-offerings and Voluntary-offerings.

Is it possible to say that

even Bird-offerings and Grain-offerings

may be included among the Festival-offerings?

The Teaching states:

“Only” (Dt.16:15)—

[such offerings, containing no meat, are not suitable under the rule of rejoicing].3

  1. H:181; JN1:338-339.
  2. F:195, l.7 adds the bracketed material, although arguing that the addition of the material originatesin scribal dittography.
  3. See Pisqa’141.1