
Pisqa’ 194

Pisqa’ 1941


“Who is the man who has built a new house” (Dt.20:5)?

I might infer only that

[this exemption applies to]

one who built a house!

On what basis do I know to include

one who inherited a house,

one who purchased a house,

or one who received it as a gift?

The Teaching states:

“Who is the man who has built” (Dt.20:5)—

[building includes any mode of acquisition].


“A house” (Dt.20:5)—

I might infer only that

[this exemption] applies to a house (bayit)!

On what basis do I know to include

a storage shed for straw (beit2 hateven),

a cattle-barn (beit habaqar),

a wood-shed (beit ha`eitzim),

or a silo (beit ha-‘otzarot)?

The Teaching states:

“Who has built” (Dt.20:5)—

[a house includes any form of permanent shelter].3

If so, is it possible to say that

[this exemption] applies even to

the builder of a gate-house (beit sha`ar),

a portico, or a balcony?

The Teaching states:

“A house” (Dt.20:5)—

Since a house is distinctive

in serving as a dwelling-place (beit dirah),

these structures,

which do not primarily serve as a dwelling-place,

must be excluded from the exemption.4

“And who hasn’t yet dedicated it” (Dt.20:5)—

this prevents a robber [from claiming an exemption].


He shall go and return to his home” (Dt.20:5)—

that is, he shall go and heed

the instructions of the Warrior Priest to return.

Lest he die in battle” (Dt.20:5)—

failing to heed the instructions of the Warrior Priest,

he will eventually die in battle.5


“And another man will consecrate it” (Dt.20:5)—

is it possible to say that

his uncle or cousin might take the house?
Here it is stated:

Another man will consecrate it” (Dt.20:5),

and elsewhere it is stated:

Another man will take her” (Dt.20:7; cf. Dt.28:30)—

just as the other man discussed elsewhere

implies a stranger,6

so, too, the other man discussed here

implies a stranger.7

  1. H:214-215; JN2:82-83.
  2. Beit is the construct state of bayit (Heb: “house”). The point of the exegesis is to include in the rule items designated for shelter of any kind.
  3. //M. Sotah 8:2.
  4. Cf. M. Sotah 8:3.
  5. Cf. Pisqa’ 195.2.
  6. Heb: nochri; commonly denotes a gentile. Here, it refers to an Israelite who has no kinship ties to a particular Israelite family.
  7. //T. Sotah 7:22.