
Pisqa’ 245

Pisqa’ 2451


“And the man” (Dt.22:29)—but, not a child.

“Who beds her down” (Dt.22:29)—any kind of bedding down.

“Shall give to the father of the young lady” (Dt.22:29)—

they shall be entirely his [and not hers].

“To the father of the young lady” (Dt.22:29)—

but not to the father of an adult woman.

“Fifty silver sel`as” (Dt.22:29)—of Tyrian silver.

“And she shall be his wife” (Dt.22:29).


This teaches that

He drinks from his own urinal!

For, even if she is lame,

or even if she is blind,

and, even if she’s covered with sores,

[she remains his wife till he dies].


If he found in her

a trace of lewdness,

or she was not suitable

[by circumstances of birth]

to enter the Community of Israel,

is it possible to say that he has the right

to maintain her in the marriage?

The Teaching states:

“She shall be his wife” (Dt.22: 29)—

she’ll be a wife truly worthy of him!2


“Insofar as he abused her” (Dt.22:29)—

This includes an orphan as well.

On this basis they taught:

A fatherless woman who was widowed or divorced—

R. Eliezer says:

One who rapes her is obliged

[to compensate her, since her father is dead].

But the seducer is exempt

[from any compensation other than marriage].


“He won’t be able to send her off for the remainder of his days” (Dt.22:29)—

that is, even after the passage of time.

“For the remainder of his days” (Dt.22:29)—

[but if he dies childless from the marriage,]

he can send her to his brother

[who may release her under the rule of

levirate marriage (see Dt.25:5-10)].

  1. H:251;JN2:168-169.
  2. =M. Ket. 3:5. cf. Pisqa’ 238.3