
Pisqa’ 292

Pisqa’ 2921


“When men struggle together” (Dt.25:11­).

No peace can come from struggle!

And so He says:

“Now, there was a quarrel between the herders of Abram’s cattle,

and the herders of Lot’s cattle” (Gn.13:7).

What exactly caused Lot to part ways with the Righteous?

I would say: conflict!

And, similarly, He says:

“Should there be a quarrel between men” (Dt.25:1).

What exactly causes

the wicked party to receive a beating (cf. Dt.25:2)?

I would say: conflict!


“Men” (Dt.25:11)—

I might infer only that

men come into conflict.

How do I know that

[the parties to conflict might be]

a man and a woman, or a women and a man?

The Teaching states:

“Together ” (Dt.25:11)—

whoever [they may be].

“A man and his brother” (Dt.25:11)—

this excludes slaves from the rule,

for [familial connections such as] brotherhood do not apply to them.2


“And the wife of one draws near” (Dt.25:11)—

but not the wife of a court-appointed agent.

“To aid her husband” (Dt.25:11).

Rabbi says:

Since we find, in the case of [negligent] damages,

that the Torah can regard

unintended damage as if it were intentional—

is it possible that this is such a case?

The Teaching states:

“And she grabbed his shameful parts” (Dt.25:11)—

this explains that

a person is obliged to compensate another

only for intentional shame.3


“His shameful parts” (Dt.25:11)—

I might infer only that

compensation is due for grabbing his shameful parts.

On what basis do I know

to include any act that inflicts injury?

The Teaching states:

“And she grabbed” (Dt.25:11)—

any part [of the body].

If so, why is it stated:

“His shameful parts?” (Dt.25:11)

Just as his shameful parts are distinctive,

being in danger of mortal injury—

and, indeed, they stand under the rule

“and you shall cut off her hand” (Dt.25:12)—

so, too, any life-threatening injury

likewise stands under the rule

“and you shall cut off her hand” (Dt.25:12).

  1. H:283:JN2:257-258.
  2. =T.BQ. 8:3.
  3. //M. BQ.8:3.