
Pisqa’ 335

Pisqa’ 3351


“Then God said:

Take to heart all of the matters with which I have charged you today—

that you must command your sons to preserve and to observe all

the words of this Torah” (Dt.32:46)—

a person needs to coordinate his heart, eyes, and ears

through words of Torah.


And so He says:

“Spawn of Adam!

See with your eyes and hear with your ears

all that I am saying to you,

And take to heart your entry into the Abode” (Ezek.44:5).
Why, it is a logical inference!

For just as the Abode of Holiness,

which is visible to the eye and measurable by the hand,

requires [for its perception] the coordination of heart, eyes, and ears,

all the more so, should words of Torah

[require coordination of the mind and the senses],

for they are like mountains

suspended by a hair.2


“That you must command your sons to preserve and to observe all

the words of this Torah” (Dt.32:46)—

Moses said to them:

You’ve earned my gratitude for fulfilling the Torah after me,

just as you will be grateful to your disciples for fulfilling the Torah after you.

It once happened:

Our Master [R. Judah the Patriarch] arrived from Laodokia3.

R. Yose b. R. Judah and R. Elazar b. Judah

entered to study before him.

He said to them:

Draw near!

You’ve earned my gratitude for fulfilling the Torah after me,

just as you will be grateful to your disciples4 for fulfilling the Torah after you!

Were Moses not a great [teacher],

and had others not received the Torah from him,

it would have had no impact.

All the more so, for us!

This is why it is stated:

“Which you shall command to your sons” (Dt.32:46).

  1. H:344-345; JN2:386-387.
  2. //M.Hag.1:10; T.Hag.1:9.
  3. The modern city, Latakia, is like its Roman-era namesake, a major port on the Syrian coast. Rabbis are often depicted as departing by ship for Laodokia to raise funds for Jews in the Land.
  4. Heb: literally, “sons.” Cf. Pisqa’ 34:4 for the equivalence of “sons” and “disciples.”