Pisqa’ 551
“And it shall happen, when HASHEM your God brings you” (Dt.11:29)—
and it shall happen implies immediately.
“When HASHEM your God brings you” (Dt.11:29)—
accept upon yourselves the commandment
stated in this scriptural context,
as a reward for which you shall enter the Land.2
“Which you are entering there to inherit” (Dt.11:29)—
as a reward for entering it,
you shall inherit it.
“And you shall place the blessing on Mt. Gerizim” (Dt.11:29).
Now, what is this verse trying to teach us—
that the blessing is from Mt. Gerizim,
and the curse is from Mt. Ebal?
But [don’t we know this,]
since it is already stated:
“These tribes shall stand to bless the people on Mt. Gerizim,
and those tribes shall preside over the curse on Mt. Ebal” (Dt.27:12)?
But still, what does the Teaching add by stating:
“You shall place the blessing on Mt. Gerizim (Dt.11:29)?”
Now, might it not have been possible
for all the blessings to precede the curses?
But the Teaching states:
“You shall place the blessing on Mt. Gerizim” (Dt.11:29)—
a single blessing might precede a single curse,
but a series of blessings should not precede a series of curses!
Moreover, by juxtaposing curses and blessings, we learn that
just as the curses are uttered by Levites (cf. Dt.27:14),
so blessings are also uttered by Levites;
just as curses are uttered in a loud voice (cf. Dt.27:14),3
so blessings are also uttered in a loud voice;
just as curses are uttered in the Holy Tongue,
so blessings are uttered in the Holy Tongue;
just as curses are framed as general rules and their particulars,
so blessings are framed as general rules and their particulars;4
just as with curses, both groups respond, “Amen” (cf. Dt.27:15ff.);
so with blessings, both groups respond, “Amen.”
Finally, during the blessing,
both groups turn their faces toward Mt. Gerizim,
and, during the curse,
toward Mt. Ebal.