
Pisqa’ 61

Pisqa’ 611


“You shall tear down their altars” (Dt.12:3)—

this refers to a stone mined

originally to serve a foreign cult.

“And smash their pillars” (Dt.12:3)—

this refers to those first mined innocently,

and later worshipped.

“And their Ashera-trees you shall burn with fire” (Dt.12:3)—

this refers to an Ashera-tree which is planted

originally to serve a foreign cult.

“And the images of their gods

you shall tear down” (Dt.12:3)—

this refers to those first planted and later worshipped.


Another word:

“You shall tear down their altars” (Dt.12:3).2

On this basis they taught:

There are three kinds of Ashera-trees,

[one being proscribed and two being tolerated]:

a tree which they planted

originally to serve a foreign cult—

indeed, it is proscribed,

for it is stated:

“Their Ashera-trees you shall burn with fire” (Dt.12:3).

If it sprouted shoots—

he should remove the shoots.

For it is stated:

“The images of their gods you shall cut down” (Dt.12:3).

If it did not sprout shoots,

but they set up an idol beneath it,

and later removed it—

indeed, this is permitted

[once the idol is gone].3

for it is stated:

“And you shall destroy their name from that place . . .

You must not treat HASHEM your God in such a way” (Dt.12:3-4).


There are three kinds of house

[one being proscribed and two being tolerated]:

a house which they built

originally to serve a foreign cult—

indeed, it is proscribed,

for it is stated:

“You must utterly destroy all the places” (Dt.12:2).

If it was renovated—

he should remove what was renovated,

for it is stated:

“And you shall destroy their name from that place” (Dt.12:3).

If it was not renovated,

but they brought an image into it

and later removed it—

indeed, this is permitted

[once the image is gone].4

for it is stated:

“You shall tear down their altars and smash their pillars” (Dt.12:3)—

that is, having torn down the altar, just leave the ruins,

having smashed their pillar, just leave the ruins.


Is it possible to say that

you are required to pursue

[servants of a foreign cult] beyond the Land?

The Teaching states:

“You shall destroy their name from that place” (Dt.12:3)—

that is, you are commanded to pursue them

from the Land of Israel,

but you are not commanded to pursue them

beyond the Land.


R. Eliezer says:

on what basis do I know that

one who cuts down an Ashera-tree

must uproot it as well?

The Teaching states:

“And you shall destroy their name” (Dt.12:3).

Said to him R. Akiva:

Why do I need this verse?

Isn’t it already stated:

“You shall utterly destroy” (Dt.12:2)?

What does the Teaching add by stating:

“And you shall destroy their name” (Dt.12:3)?

[do we] change the names of their cultic shrines?

Or, is it possible to say that

[we should select] more appropriate names?

The Teaching states:

“Utterly despise it, be utterly revolted by it” (Dt.7:26)—

[by selecting a more appropriate name].5


On what basis do I know that

one who carves a single stone

from the Sanctuary, from the Altar, or from the Courtyards

transgresses a proscription?

The Teaching states:

“You shall tear down their altars, and smash their pillars . . .

you must not treat HASHEM your God in such a way” (Dt.12:3-4).6

R. Ishmael says:

on what basis do I know that

one who erases a single letter

from the Holy Name

transgresses a proscription?

For it is stated:

“You shall destroy their name . . . you must not treat HASHEM your God in such a way” (Dt.12:3-4).7

Rabban Gamliel says:

now, could you imagine that

Israel would tear down their own altars?

Heaven forbid!

Rather, this is the point—

do not do as they do,

lest your wicked deeds cause the Holy Shrine

of your ancestors to be destroyed!

  1. H:116-117;JN1:189-190.
  2. The smaller font represents material regarded by F:126, n.8, as a textual interpolation.
  3. //M. AZ.3:7.
  4. //M. AZ.3:7.
  5. Cf. T.AZ.6[7]:4. The Tosefta offers a number of examples of changing the name of a shrine, e.g., from“The Face of God” to “Dog-Face!”
  6. //T. Mak.5:8.
  7. //T. Mak.5:9.