Pisqa’ 801
“When HASHEM your God cuts down the nations” (Dt.12:29)—
accept upon yourselves
the commandment stated in this context,
in reward for which2
“HASHEM your God cuts down the nations
upon whom you are about to come, to disinherit from before you” (Dt.12:29)—
as a reward for coming you will dispossess them.
“And you shall disinherit them and settle in their land” (Dt.12:29)—
inferring from what is stated elsewhere:
“And you shall disinherit them and settle in their cities and houses” (Dt.19:1),
is it possible to say that
you may not add to the [existing] structures?
The Teaching states:
“And you shall disinherit them and settle in their land” (Dt.12:29)—
any place you wish to build, build!
“And you shall disinherit them and settle in their land” (Dt.12:29).
The story is told:
R. Judah b. Betyra and R. Matya b. Heresh,
R. Hananiah b. Ahi, R. Joshua, and R. Jonathan,
were leaving [to journey beyond] the Land.
When they reached Poltos,3
they recalled the Land of Israel.
They lifted up their eyes
and their tears flowed.
They tore their garments,
and recited this verse:
“And you shall dispossess them and settle there, and take care to preserve all these laws” ( Dt.11:31-32).
They said: settling the Land of Israel
outweighs all the commandments of the Torah!
The story is told:
R. Elazar b. Shammua and R. Yohanan the Sandler ,
were going to Nisibis,4
to the home of R. Judah b. Betyra,
to learn Torah from him.
When they reached Sidon,5
they recalled the Land of Israel.
They lifted up their eyes
and their tears flowed.
They tore their garments,
and recited this verse:
“And you shall dispossess them and settle there and take care to preserve all these laws” ( Dt.11:31-32).
They said: settling the Land of Israel
outweighs all the commandments of the Torah!
So they turned around
and returned to the Land of Israel.6
- H:134-135; JN1:227.
- This common-place appears also at Pisqa’ 55.1. 263.2
- Following F:146, n.4, Hammer renders the name to Paltana. I am unable to locate the reference. Presumably it is at or just beyond the border to the Land of Israel.
- A city on the Parthian-Roman frontier.
- A city on the coast of Lebanon.
- F:146, n.3 doubts that the two stories before us are original to Sifre.