Primary Documents-Access No. from Special collections at the University of Washington

“Letter from editor”-Access No. 2532-002 Box 1

“The Perennial Jewish Question” Sermon-Access No. 2532-002 Box 6

Newspaper Clippings of Levine-Access No. 2370-018 Box 11

Levine, Raphael H.. Holy mountain; two paths to one God.. Portland, Or.: Binfords & Mort, 1953. Print.

Special Collections Photographs

“Harry Bush, Rabbi Raphael Levine, Harold Poll, Sol Esfeld and Ed Stern (L to R) at Temple De Hirsch dedication, Seattle, Washington, 1960” -Negative No. UW1310

“Photo of the Seattle March following the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, 1968”-King County Museum Collections

“Rabbi built bridges of understanding, November 5, 1985”-Digital Id No.-PNW02702

“Anti-Defamation League National Appeal event, Seattle, Washington”-Order No. JEW1013

“Rabbi Raphael Levine showing synagogue artifacts to Catholic children, Seattle, 1967”-Image No.1986.5.32994.1

“Rabbi Raphael Levine, Seattle, 1977”-Image No.1993.20.235

“Raphael Levine speaking through microphone at dedication ceremony of the new Caroline Kline Galland Home building, Seattle, 1967”- Order No. JEW1398

“Temple de Hirsch exterior, 15th Ave. and E. Union St., Seattle”- Order No.JEW0128

Other Photographs





Secondary Sources

Diner, Hasia R.. The Jews of the United States, 1654 to 2000. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2004. Print

Hale, John. “Times of Challenge.” YouTube. YouTube, n.d. Web. 5 June 2014.

History.” Temple De Hirsch Sinai Jewish Reform Synagogue -. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 May 2014.