
Pisqa’ 82

Pisqa’ 821


Each word that I command you, be on guard to perform it” (Dt.13:1)—

so that the simplest commandment

shall be as dear to you

as the most arduous commandment.2

Be on guard to perform it” (Dt.13:1).

R. Eliezer b. Jacob says:

you should find a proscription for each prescription

mentioned in the Scriptural lection.

“Do not add to it and do not subtract from it” (Dt.13:1).

On this basis they taught:

Sacrificial blood that is applied to the Altar

in a single application,

and it became mixed with

other sacrificial blood that is applied to the Altar

in a single application—

the mixture shall be applied to the Altar

in a single application.3

{Sacrificial blood that is applied

in four applications,

which became mixed with other blood applied

in a single application—

the mixture shall be applied

in a single application.

Said R. Eliezer:

the mixed blood should be applied

in four applications.

R. Joshua says:

it should be applied

in a single application.

R. Eliezer said:

Look—[if he makes only a single application]

he transgresses “do not subtract” (Dt.13:1)!

Said R. Joshua:

Look—if he makes four applications

he transgresses “do not add” (Dt.13:1)}!4


Another word:

“Do not add to it” (Dt.13:1).

How do I know that

we do not add [a fifth species]

to [the four comprising] the Palm-frond,5

nor [a fifth fringe] to the four

[that adorn cornered garments]?

The Teaching states:

“Do not add to it” (Dt.13:1).

How do I know that

we do not diminish their minimum measures?6

The Teaching states:

“Do not subtract from it” (Dt.13:1).

How do I know that

if [a Priest] began to pronounce the Priestly Blessing [at Nu.6:24-26],

he should not think:

Since I’ve already begun the blessing,

I’ll say [as well]: “May HASHEM, the God of your ancestors,

increase your numbers a thousand-fold” (Dt.1:11)!

The Teaching states:

“Each word” (Dt.13:1)—

do not add so much as a word to [the commandment]!

  1. H:136; JN1:230.
  2. //M. Avot 2:1 and Pisqa’ 79.2.
  3. =M. Zev.8:10.
  4. I have supplied the text of T. Zev.8:23 {in brackets}.
  5. These “Four Species” are the the citron, willow, myrtle and palm frond (Lv.23:40; M. Suk.3:7-14). At several points in the rites of the Festival of Huts (Sukkot) the Four Species are taken in hand and waved in the four compass directions, accompanied by the recitation of Psalms, as part of the petition for the winter rains.
  6. These measures are listed at T. Suk.2:8