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Seattle Sephardic wedding
A Sephardic wedding in Seattle, couple unknown. First row, right to left: Mark Peha, Leatrice (De Leon) Gutmann, Lucille (Almeleh) Spring. Back row: Mary (Sidis) Ovadia, Isaac Ovadia, Bernice (Mossafer) Rind, [unknown], Albert Page, [unknown], Tillie…
Seattle Sephardic Amulets
Three amulets handwritten on paper cut in the shape of a person or angel. Includes the divine name Shadai and the names of angels Snwy, Snsnwy, and Smnglf; words for man and woman; name of Lilith (female demon); and an abbreviation for Genesis 49:18:…
Salamon Shaki's reflections on his Bar Mitsva
Interview with Salamon Shaki by Albert Adatto
Reverend Morris Scharhon's Book of Meldados
List of death dates recorded by Reverend Morris Scharhon
Reverend David J. Behar presiding over baby-naming of Rita Franco, daughter of Maurice and Ventura Franco at Congregation Ezra Bessaroth
Photograph of the fijola ceremony of Rita Franco.
Rabbi Isidore Kahan (2nd from left) with bar mitsva boys Leon Uziel, Moe Azose, and Meyer Varon at Sephardic Bikur Cholim in Seattle, WA
Dr. Rabbi Isidore Kahane [Azriel Yehuda ha-Kohen] of Tiszabercel, served as administrator and teacher of the Collegio Rabbinico in Rhodes and as rabbi and professor at the Italian Rabbinical College in Rome before seeking refuge in Seattle during the…
Postcard of the Jewish cemetery in Salonica
Color postcard of the Jewish cemetery in Salonica overlooking the city.
Photographs from the wedding of Flora Alcheck to Albert Saltiel
Two photographs from the wedding of Flora and Albert Saltiel. One photo is of the couple and rabbi under the huppah (wedding canopy). Wedding took place in a community institution known as Matanot La-Evyonim, a popular wedding venue in Salonica and…
Photograph of Maimon family children
Photograph of Vida Sultana Maimon and her children. Fanny Adatto, top left, Louise Azose, top right, and a young boy assumed to be Rabbi Solomon Maimon.
Orden de bendiciones : Y las ocaziones en que se deven dezir. Con muchas adiciones a las precedentes impreciones, y por mejor methodo dispuestas
Text for La fijola ceremony in Orden de bendiciones
Oddest and Oldest of Wedding Here: Bride and Bridegroom Spaniards from Turkey, Who Speak Only Hebrew
New York Times article describing a Sephardic wedding
Newspaper article in El Avenir about bar mitsva customs
Clipping from the Ladino newspaper El Avenir.
Naar family kame'a
Sephardic amulet from the family of Benjamin Naar, great-grandfather of Professor Devin Naar.
Menache Israel's bar mitsva speech
Bar mitsva speech given by Menache Israel at Congregation Ezra Bessaroth
Maimon family kame'ot
Three amulets from the family of Rabbi Solomon Maimon, perhaps written by his father, Rabbi Avraham Maimon. Unknown if amulets were written in Tekirdag or Seattle.
Louise Bensal and Albert Barokas wedding invitation
Invitation for the wedding of Louise Bensal and Albert Barokas
Louise Azose describes the transformation from domestic to synagogues services
Interview with Louise Azose by Aviva Ben-Ur
Livro de instruksion religioza: Traduizido i kompuesto por eskolas Judias de Oriente
Description of the brit mila custom