Translated Texts: Obituary of Albert Levy’s Brother

Translation of the obituary of Albert Levy’s brother, found in one of Levy’s scrapbooks. Translated by Ashley Bobman.


Es kon la mas profunda tristeza ke resevimos la novidad de Saloniko de la muerte del difunto Shem Tov David Levi, ermano de nuestro editor Alberto Levi, muerto a la manzeyoza i prematurada edad de 18 anyos.

Ayinda el anyo pasado, nuestro editor resevio la triste novidad de la muerte de su kerido padre David Levi i esta semana el resevio un segundo golpo kon la muerte de su amado ermano Shem Tov Levi.

El dezgrasiado fue yevado a la tumba despues de aver sufrido de una longa hazinora i despues ke sus parientes izieron todos los sakrifisios posivles por salvarlo.

La kruela muerte lo arivato a la flor de su edad deshando en la mas grande tristeza i dezespero a su madre bivda sus dos ermanos en Saloniko ansi ke a muestro editor el kual ayinda no se konortava de la muerte de su padre i ke agora viene de resevir una segunda da triste i amarga novidad.

Nos azemos un dover de adresar nuestros sinseras kondoliansas a las famias harvadas por este luyto kruel i rogamos a ke la alma del difunto mansevo repoze en paz.

Nishmato tzereura bitzror ayaim

La redaksoyn[/fusion_builder_column_inner]

Translation: Obituary

It is with a profound sadness that we report the news from Salonica of the death of the deceased Shem Tov David Levy, brother of our editor Albert Levy, who died at the unfortunate and premature age of 18 years.

Only last year, our editor received the sad notice of the death of his caring father David Levy and this month he received the second blow with the death of his beloved brother Shem Tov Levy.

The unfortunate was taken to the grave after having suffered from a long sickness and after his parents made all the possible sacrifices to save him.

The cruel death arrived at the height of his youth, leaving the biggest sadness and despair to his widowed mother, two brothers in Salonica, as well as our editor who has still not comforted himself from the death of his father and that now has come to receive a second sad and bitter news.

We have a duty to address our sincerest condolences to the afflicted family for this cruel loss and we pray that the soul of the deceased young rest in peace.

May his soul be bound up in the bond of life.

The editorial office