Mission & Policies

2018 Stroum Lectures in Jewish Studies
Our mission is to cultivate a diverse intellectual community at the University of Washington that promotes the study of Jewish histories, cultures, societies, ideas, languages, and religion and integrates insights from these fields into broader scholarly and public conversations in the Jackson School of International Studies, across university departments, and throughout the Pacific Northwest, as well as nationally and globally.
We accomplish this by:
• Teaching students and audiences to be thoughtful, engaged community members who gain exposure to multiple perspectives and participate in open, evidence-based dialogue
• Investigating the full diversity of Jewish experiences and expressions, past and present, using local, global, and comparative perspectives as well as disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches
• Developing innovative approaches to expand the reach of our research and teaching through public scholarship and new media
Event Cosponsorship Policy
As part of our mission, we look for opportunities to reach broad audiences. However, because we are housed within a public university, we have limits to the kinds of events we are able to cosponsor. We typically partner with other academic units on campus. Occasionally, we do partner with other kinds of organizations to produce an event or program. Here are general guidelines that help determine whether or not we can partner with or cosponsor a particular event:
- Does the SCJS or SCJS faculty play a significant role in shaping the event?
- Is the event academic in nature?
- Is this a broad public event intended to serve diverse audiences, including UW students?
If you have any questions, please email jewishst@uw.edu. We always appreciate learning more about local events, and may know of a relevant student or faculty member who might like to attend even when a cosponsorship is not possible.
Contributors & Speakers Policy
Note that the opinions expressed by the Stroum Center for Jewish Studies’ faculty, students, and invited speakers, both at public events and in print and digital publications, reflect the views of the individual writers and speakers only and not those of the Stroum Center.