Todo en felisitando al konselio santral de la ermandad, por sus aktividades dinyas de atension i de merito, relivamos aki abasho una poezia duvida a la pendola de nuestro editor Alberto Levi.
Mas verdad ke poezia
Asta kuando?
Nozotros sefaradim, en esta sivdad,
estamos kedando en la enaktividad,
anyos van, anyos vienen, vimos lo mizmo,
kayendo un poko mas al avizmo.
Somos trenta i sinko mil djudios,
tenemos sosiedades kaji venti i dos;
ningun progreso avimos realizado,
siendo bivimos kada uno devizado.
Las sosiedades tienen sus semeterio,
este fue sus uniko paso serio,
bet ahaim ala entrada i ala salida,
sin akordar ningun derecho en vida.
Es regretavle ke ninguna sosiedad,
da asus miembros deretos de mutualedad,
los menesteres striktos de kada dia,
ke nesesita kada miembro dela kolonia.
Kada sosiedad tiene kapital rezervado
en banka el es siempre investado,
kon el enteres de tres por siento,
kreyendo ansi sus solo adelantamiento.
De otra parte konstatamos kon regreto
ke ay ermanos topandosen en apreto,
ke necesitan ayudo i sokurso,
i las sosiedades non azen ningun esforso.
Ay ermanos ke yazen en el lecho,
hazinos, sin sentavo i sin echo,
ninguno toma de eyos kuedo,
sin prestarles el minimo ayudo!
Afin de remediar este estado,
numerozas vezes se tuvo aki fondado,
federasiones i tambien komunidades,
santralizando todas las sosiedades.
Por el selo, kaprecho i ambision,
non se pudo azer ninguna aksion,
i por falteda de un plano bazado,
todo el lavoro fue sin rezultado.
Komunidades pasadas desparesieron,
turno a turno eyas morieron,
deshando en la triste situasion,
en la kuala se debate la populasion.
La Ermandad Sefaradit, kon grande ardor,
se metio en ultimo al lavor,
por realizar el movimiento komunal,
por el interes de todos en jeneral.
La ermandad elaboro su konstitusion,
la kuala es dinya de konsiderasion,
akordando a sus miembros respektivos
deretos, mientres ke eyos estan bivos.
La ermandad da konsejos legales,
por evitar al miembro muchos males,
inche afedevets, kuando son demandados
i gratuatamente akordados.
Ayuda en kuestion de imigrasion,
siendo ay un sekretario ala dispozision,
ke toma del miembro kargo imediato,
kon la ayuda del Prezedente Amato.
En el kavzo de alguna enfermedad,
6 dolares ala semana da la ermandad,
mientres 15 semanas es kontinuado,
i el miembro hazino es ansi abedeguado.
Eya da al miembro i su famia,
doktor ke lo vijite noche i dia,
enterna devista en los ishpitales,
alos ke sufren de hazenura i males.
Eya aze emprestimos sin eksepsion,
alos miembros ke inchen aplekasion,
sin intereso, i livianamente pagados,
por ansi ser en verdad ayudados.
La ermandad es bien interesante,
eya progresa i kamina avanti!
sus miembros pujan dia kada dia,
de todos los ermanos dela kolonia.
La ermandad tiene una armada pronta,
ariva de 1000 miembros eya konta,
tres branches bien organizadas,
i por una santrala governadas.
Oy es en fato verdadero,
el konselio santral se siente fiero,
de aver realizado un paso seguro,
despues de un lavoro bastante duro.
Komo fuerte organizasion,
la ermandad puede inchir su mision,
si kada sosiedad le da la mano,
i kuapera por el mizmo plano.
En lugar de estar ayinda devizadas,
si las sosiedades son santralizadas,
si se adjuntan a nuestra ermandad,
presto se realizara la komunidad.
Kapos i giadores de la kolektevedad,
venid lavorar kon amor i sensiridad,
venid fraguar loke el puevlo nesesita
endjunto kon la Ermandad Sefaradit.
Sakodidvos de la indiferensia!
kuaperemos kon ardor i perseverensia,
por alsar nuestra onor i gloria,
i nuestra ovra reste en memoria!
Adelantre por el lavoro komun,
nuestra fuersa es la union!
nuestro progreso sera asegorado,
i nuestro estado jeneral amijorado!
La salvasion esta en nuestras manos
en el lavoro de todos los ermanos,
i kon nuestra veluntad i pasion,
mereseremos el bien de nuestra nasion!
Ad mati!…
In total congratulations to the central council of the brotherhood for their activities worthy of attention and merit, we present here below a poem indebted to the pen of our editor, Albert Levy.
More Truth than Poetry
Until when?
We Sephardic Jews, in this city,
are remaining inactive,
years come, years go, we see the same,
falling a little more into abyss.
We are 35000 Jews,
we have almost 22 societies;
we have not realized any progress,
since each one of us lives divided.
The societies have their cemetery,
this was their only serious step,
entering and leaving the “house of life”(cemetery), without remembering any right in life.
It is regrettable that no society
gives their members mutual rights,
the strict necessities of each day
that each member of the colony needs.
Each society has capital reserved
in the bank; it is always invested
with 3 percent interest,
believing this will be the only way for progress.
On the other hand we state with regret
that there are brothers found themselves in distress,
that they need help and assistance,
and the societies make no effort.
There are brothers lying in bed,
sick, penniless, and without job,
still no one takes care
without giving them the slightest help!
In order to remedy this state,
numerous times federations and also communities
are founded here
centralizing all the societies.
Because of jealousy, capriciousness, and ambition,
no actions could be made,
and due to the lack of a well-grounded plan,
all the work was without result.
Past communities disappeared,
time and time again they died
left in a sad situation
about which the population debates.
The Sephardic Brotherhood, with great ardor,
ultimately put itself to work
to realize the communal movement
for the general interest of all.
The brotherhood elaborated its constitution,
which is worthy of consideration,
granting the respective members
rights while they are living.
The brotherhood gives legal advice,
in order for the members to evade many bad things,
fills in affidavits when they are demanded
and freely granted.
It helps with the question of immigration
since there is a secretary at its disposal
who immediately takes the charge of the member
with the help of the President Amato.
In the case of any sickness
the brotherhood gives six dollars a week,
it is continued during 15 weeks
and the sick member is thus saved.
It gives the member and his family
a doctor that visits night and day,
eternally found in the hospital
for those who suffer from sickness and illness.
It gives loans without exceptions
to the members that fill out applications
without interest and freely paid,
thus to be truly helped.
The brotherhood is very interesting
it progresses and marches forward
their members push every day
for all the brothers of the colony.
The brotherhood has a ready army
it counts to above 1000 members,
three well organized branches
governed centrally.
Today it is a true fact
the central counsel feels proud
to have realized a significant step
after enough hard work.
As a strong organization
the brotherhood can fulfill its mission
if each society lends a hand
and cooperates with the same plan
In place of being divided still,
if the societies are centralized
if they join our brotherhood
they will immediately realize a community
The heads and guides of the collectivity
come to work with love and sincerity
come to build what the people need
together with the Sephardic Brotherhood
Remove your indifferences!
We cooperate with ardor and perseverance,
in order to increase our honor and glory
and our work will be remembered!
Forward with common labor,
our strength is in the union!
Our progress will be assured
and our general state improved!
Salvation is in our hands
in work of all the brothers,
and with our desire and passion
we deserve the good of our nation!
Until when!…