Translated Texts: Obituary of Albert Levy’s Father

Translation of the obituary of Albert Levy’s father, found in one of Levy’s scrapbooks. Translation by Ashley Bobman.


Es kon un profundo regreto ke embezemos la novidad de la muerte de David Yeuda Levi alav ashalom padre de nuestro editor, Alberto Levi.

El difunto era amado i respektado por su onistad i por la dulsor de su karakter. El fue el fundador de la sosiedad sukat shalom donde su egzistincia konta ariva de 25 anyos, la kuala rendio i rendi aktualmente servisios apresiavles a la komunidad de Salonkio.

Sus funerales tuvieron lugar en Saloniko el martes 9 djenayo, 1923, (21 tevet 5683) en medio de una numeroza asistensia de amigos i konosidos, ke vinieron render las ultimas onores al difunto.

La redaksion de “la Vara” se aze un dover de pasar sus mas sinseras kondoliensas ala famia de nuestro editor, i a todas akeyas ke fueron harvadas por este kruel luyto, i roga porke la alma del desfortunado David Yeuda Levi repoze en la beatatud eterna.

Nishmato tzereura bitzror ayaim

Translation: Obituary

It is with a profound regret that we learn of the news of the death of David Juda Levy, peace be upon him, father of our editor, Albert Levy.

The deceased was loved and respected for his honesty and for the sweetness of his character. He was the founder of the Society of the Shelter of Peace, the existence for which counts more than 25 years, which rendered and currently renders invaluable services to the community of Salonica.

His funeral took place in Salonica on Tuesday, January 9, 1923 (21 tevet 5683) among numerous attendants of friends and acquaintances, who came to render the final honors to the deceased.

The editorial office of “La Vara” has an obligation to pass its most sincere condolences to the family of our editor and to all of those that were afflicted by this cruel loss, and pray that the soul of the deceased David Juda Levy rest in eternal beatitude.

May his soul be bound up in the bond of life.