3/27 EVENT | A Spark of King David: The Musical Poetry of Rabbi Israel Najara Then and Now
Wednesday, March 27, 2024, 7:00 pm PDT - 8:30 pm PDT
Can a 16th-century religious Hebrew poet remain relevant to contemporary audiences? Rabbi Israel Najara’s poetic legacy proves that this is indeed possible. A Middle Eastern contemporary of William Shakespeare, nicknamed “A Spark of King David” by his followers, Najara’s poems continue to be used for Jewish rituals and festivities in the present day.
Join us to hear from Professor Edwin Seroussiwhy Rabbi Najara’s poetry of hope and redemption has persisted in synagogues, in Jewish homes, and on Israeli pop stages to this very day.
Also register for Edwin Seroussi’s talk on Thursday, March 28, at 7:00 p.m.:
Sonic Ruins of Modernity: Ladino Folksongs Today
About the speaker
This series is cosponsored by the UW Department of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures, the UW Middle East Center, the UW Near and Middle East Studies Ph.D. Program, ArtsUW, part of the College of Arts and Sciences, and by the Ethnomusicology Program at the University of Washington.
It was made possible with the support of the Hazzan Isaac Azose Fund for Community Engagement, which was created in partnership with the Isaac Alhadeff Foundation and the Benoliel Family Fund, with additional support provided by Congregation Ezra Bessaroth, the Seattle Sephardic Brotherhood and the Sephardic Bikur Holim Congregation, as well as Jack I. Azose, Howard Behar, Harley and Lela Franco, Jeff and Jamie Merriman Cohen, Jack Schaloum and Marlene Souriano Vinikoor.
The University of Washington is committed to providing access and accommodation in its services, programs, and activities. To make a request connected to a disability or health condition contact Grace Elizabeth Dy at (206) 543-0138 or by emailing jewishst@uw.edu at least 10 days before the event.