Resources for Faculty
Access the following useful documents for faculty by logging in to Google with your UW e-mail address (i.e., using your UW NetID and password.
Events, Visitors, and Meals

All of the steps staff and faculty take in planning, organizing, and publicizing an event.
Policies & Procedures: Events, Visitors, Food & Beverages
Policies around planning events, bringing speakers to campus, and reimbursements for meals with visitors.

Policies around planning events, bringing speakers to campus, and reimbursements for meals with visitors.
Visitor Meal Request Form
Submit information about proposed meals with visitors. (More information in the policies above.)

Submit information about proposed meals with visitors. (More information in the policies above.)

How to create a new course, make changes to an existing course, plus what it means for courses to be “jointly offered” versus “withered,” and more.

An example Jewish studies syllabus, including course requirements, resources for students and accommodations language.

Helpful syllabus guidelines from the Faculty Council on Academic Standards. Remember to include the required accommodations language in your syllabus.
Mission & Bylaws

The mission statement and strategic priorities for Jewish Studies at the University of Washington, created in 2018.
Other Resources
JSIS Financial Forms: Need financial forms from the Jackson School? Find them here.