Around the world in four clicks! We hand-pick unusual and noteworthy news items of Jewish interest from all corners of the globe. It’s like taking your web-surfing in a convenient “to go” cup. A fresh serving of news, brought to you by JewDub.

Kosher Yoga: “Practicing a yoga pose, feeling a connection to your soul and therefore to your Creator, and getting enlightened by that – something one can certainly experience through yoga – is not a replacement for mitzvot.”

The end of the Jewish Left?: Adam Kirsch discusses issues under scrutiny at a conference held at YIVO Center for Jewish History in New York.

Careful, there, Hagbah: dropping that Torah scroll will result in a 40 day fast. And how does gender play into who gets the honor of hoisting the Torah?

The journey of the “most perfect Bible”: the Aleppo Codex.


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