Translated Texts: El rolo de la institutriche en la edukasion

A translated summary of a speech given by Albert Levy about teachers’ place in education. Translation by Ashley Bobman.

El rolo de la institutriche en la edukasion
Delantre una numeroza asistensia, muestro kolaborador Sinyor Avraham David Alevi avlo Shabbat en el lokal de la asosiasion de maestros sovre: el rolo dela institutriche en la edukasion.

Sinyor Levi dezvelops bastante bueno el sujeto en kuestion, al dupyo punto de vista: psiki-pedagojiko. Kon una argumentasion fondada. El kritiko las ideas pedagojikas fondamentalas Defenelon sovre el esprito de la mujer.

Kon egzempios bivos i fatos istorikos, el punto la intelijensa de la mujer, la fekondeta de su intelijensa i la elevasion de su espreto; el urador echo un kulpo de ojo en todos los piazes sivilizados i prezento egualmente mujeres ke azen la gloria de la umanedad.

Sinyor Avraham Levi avla despues de la pedagojikas moderna istoria seis elementos principilos i demostra por ay la deferensia enorme ke egziste entre estos ultimos i akeyos prekonezados por Fenelon.

Kon metod i orden, el orador avla de el menester strikto de la edukasion de las ijas i en kualo konsiste el enseniamiento moderno.

Kada matiera istudiada, analizara i konkritizada segun las leys striktas dela pedagojia moderna, azia enteresar de mas en mas el auditorio.

La konkluzion dela konfirensia non fue manko enteresante. El konferarsier relivo el falso i danyezo rolo dela edukatriche de ayer, avlo dela evolusion ke se opero admeravlemente en las institutriches de oy en loke koncherna sus rolo edukativo i sus fermasion intelektuala i rezumio en pokos biervos sustansiozos la mision ke eyas son yamadas a enchir por la formasion sana de la djenerasion futura.

El konferansier fue bivamente aplaudido.

Es dunke a suetar ke simijantes konferensias pedagojikas i siantifikas sean dadas frekuentemente en la asosiasion de maestros.



Translation: The teacher’s role in education

Before a numerous audience, our collaborator Mr. Albert David Levy spoke on Shabbat in the headquarters of the association of teachers about the teacher’s role in education.
Mr. Levy developed quite well the subject in question, from two points of view: psycho-pedagogical. With a well-based argument. He critiqued the fundamental pedagogical ideas of Defenelon about the spirit of the women.

With real/living examples and historical facts, he pointed to the intelligence of the women, the depth of the intelligence and elevation of her spirit; the orator took a glance at all the civilized countries and he presented equally women who make humanity glorious.

Mr. Albert Levy speaks of the modern pedagogical history of six principle elements and demonstrates why an enormous difference exists between them and those predicted by Fenelon.

With method and order, the orator speaks of the strict needs of the education of girls and in which consists modern instruction.

Each material studied, analyzed, and criticized following the strict laws of modern pedagogy, made for the increasing interest of the listeners.

The conclusion of the conference was not less interesting. The speaker brought up the false and damaging role of today’s educator, he spoke of the evolution that admiringly operated among the teachers of today in that which conerns their role as educators and their intellectual formation, and summarized in few substantial words the mission that they are called to fill for the healthy formation of the future generations.

The speaker was heartily applauded.

Therefore it is wished that similar pedagogical and scientific conferences are given frequently in the teacher’s association.

An Attendant