Sephardic Studies Digital Projects
Exhibits, research and resources related to Sephardic Studies online.
“Muestras Konsejas” Essay Competition
Presented with the Sephardic Brotherhood of America, this contest opened a new space for telling Sephardic stories.
Seattle Sephardic Legacies
Trace the journeys of eleven Sephardic families with roots in the Ottoman Empire who came to Seattle in the early twentieth century.
Bailar a la Turka: 78 rpm Records in Seattle Sepharadi Households
Maureen Jackson investigates Turkish music in Sephardic Seattle with artifacts, audio, and more.
Sephardic Life Cycle Customs
Explore the diverse origins of Sephardic life cycle customs and trace their dynamic evolutions from the Ottoman Empire to the United States.
Sephardic Ballads Collection
The Benmayor Collection of Eastern Sephardic Ballads and Other Lore is a collection of over 140 audio recordings gathered by Dr. Rina Benmayor in Seattle and Los Angeles during the 1970s.
“A Sephardic Lighthouse”: The Life of Albert D. Levy
Explore the world of Albert D. Levy (1896-1963), one of the leading Sephardic thinkers of 20th century, through original Ladino (Judeo-Spanish) writings, photographs, and documents.
Mapping Memory
Based on interviews and memoirs, the Mapping Memory project follows the extraordinary paths of Jewish refugees around the time of the Second World War (1939-1945).
Ana Gómez-Bravo’s Converso Cookbook
Find out how to make popular Jewish dishes from 15th century Spain in Ana Gómez-Bravo's online cookbook.
Soletreo Writing Resources
Devin Naar and David Bunis teach viewers how to write in Soletreo and discuss the history of the Sephardic script.