3/31 EVENT | A Workshop with Rachel Brown
Friday, March 31, 2023, 9:30 am PDT - 10:30 am PDT
The Stroum Center for Jewish Studies is hosting Rachel Brown for a morning workshop, in which she’ll discuss chapter 1 of her forthcoming paper, titled “Land, Reproductive Labor and Accumulation: Situating Migrant Carework in Israel/Palestine”. Jewish Studies grad fellow Jake Beckert will serve as respondent.
About the speaker
Rachel Brown‘s research and teaching interests include feminist and queer political theory, settler colonialism, Marxist feminism and questions of labor migration, transnational feminisms, and the politics of debt.
She earned her doctorate from The Graduate Center, City University of New York in 2017. Her book manuscript, Unsettled Labors: Migrant Caregivers in Palestine/Israel, is under contract at Duke University Press. Her work has appeared in Feminist Theory, Political Theory, International Feminist Journal of Politics, Theory & Event, and Global Networks. Her most recent article is forthcoming in Race & Class.
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