About Dan Chirot

Daniel Chirot, Job and Gertrud Tamaki Professor of International Studies at the University of Washington, has authored books about social change, ethnic conflict, Eastern Europe, and tyranny. He co-authored Why Not Kill Them All? about political mass murderand has edited or co-edited books on Leninism’s decline, on entrepreneurial ethnic minorities, on ethnopolitical warfare, and on the economic history of Eastern Europe. He founded the journal East European Politics and Societies and received grants from the Guggenheim, Rockefeller, and Mellon Foundations. He has consulted for the US Government, the National Endowment for Democracy, the Ford Foundation, and CARE. In 2004/05 he was a Senior Fellow at the United States Institute of Peace working on African conflicts. He has a BA from Harvard and a PhD from Columbia.

Successfully Helping Africa

So many of the countries have weak civil societies — with too few non-governmental organizations to help — and with weak governments it is often hard to get things done. This means that foreign aid projects need to focus on promoting civil society, on helping people make appropriate technological improvements, and on promoting good governance.

By |2017-09-04T22:43:05-07:00October 30th, 2011|Categories: Global Judaism|Tags: , , , |0 Comments
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