Ana Gómez-Bravo

Ana Gomez-Bravo

Professor, Department of Spanish and Portuguese Studies

Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley

Contact Information:
Phone: (206) 543-2049
Office: Padelford B-233
Office Hours: By appointment
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Faculty Profile

I am from Madrid, Spain. I work on the Spanish Jews of the Middle Ages, before the Sephardic diaspora, mainly the 15th century and with a particular interest on the conversos (Jews who converted to Christianity). I have done considerable work on two converso authors: Antón de Montoro, a middle-class tailor from Córdoba; and Juan Álvarez Gato, a city official from Madrid who was part of Queen Isabel’s court and the city elite.

In addition, I am interested in issues of cultural and historical memory as they relate to Spain and the Jews when considering issues of personal identity, citizenship and nationhood.

My book Textual Agency: Writing Culture and Social Networks in Fifteenth-Century Spain has been recently published by the University of Toronto Press. Among other topics, the book emphasizes the key role of conversos in the culture and politics of the period. Some of my work in progress focuses on the uses of food, dietary laws, and food choice in the shaping of group identity and in the development of an idea of racial difference.

I teach courses on Sephardic culture and on the relations of Muslims, Jews and Christians in Spain. I also teach food and culture courses.


The Converso Cookbook

by Ana M. Gómez-Bravo

Adafina, plated
Learn more about Professor Gómez-Bravo’s favorite recipes for dishes eaten by the Sephardic community of 15th-century Spain.

See pictures of the freshly made food and find out how to make 15-century Sephardi food yourself!

Fields of Interest

Critical Theory; Cultural Studies; Food and Culture Studies; Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies; Textual Studies

Selected Publications

Feeding Race: Food Culture and Blood Purity in Inquisitorial Spain and Portugal. Book Manuscript.

“Slander and the Right to Be a Converso Author in Fifteenth-Century Spain.” Article.

Situation and Textual Mediation: Toward a Material Poetics of the Fifteen-Century Lyric.” La Corónica 41 (2013): 35-60.

Vida en fragmentos: el libro de Juan Álvarez Gato y la memoria autobiográfica.” [Life in Fragments: the Book of Juan Álvarez Gato and Autobiographical Memory] Romance Quarterly 58 (2011): 231-248.

Ser social y poética material en la obra de Antón de Montoro, mediano converso.” [Social Self and Material Poetics in the Work of Antón de Montoro, Middle-Class Converso] Hispanic Review 78 (2010): 145-167.