Presented by the Hazzan Isaac Azose Fund for Community Engagement, created in partnership with the Isaac Alhadeff Foundation and the Benoliel Family Fund, with additional support provided by Congregation Ezra Bessaroth, the Seattle Sephardic Brotherhood and the Sephardic Bikur Holim Congregation, as well as Jack I. Azose, Howard Behar, Harley and Lela Franco, Jeff and Jamie Merriman Cohen, Jack Schaloum and Marlene Souriano Vinikoor

3/27 EVENT | A Spark of King David: The Musical Poetry of Rabbi Israel Najara Then and Now

Edwin Seroussi of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem will discuss the pizmonim (musical religious poems) of 16th-century rabbi Israel Najara.

By |2024-03-19T12:22:46-07:00January 9th, 2024|Categories: , , , |Tags: |Comments Off on 3/27 EVENT | A Spark of King David: The Musical Poetry of Rabbi Israel Najara Then and Now
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