Paula Hyman: Gender & Assimilation
Professor Paula E. Hyman of Yale University discusses issues of gender and sexuality in modern Jewish history in the 1992 Stroum Lecture lecture series.
Professor Paula E. Hyman of Yale University discusses issues of gender and sexuality in modern Jewish history in the 1992 Stroum Lecture lecture series.
Professor Jonathan Sarna of Brandeis University discusses "Revivals and Awakenings in American Judaism" in the 2011 Stroum Lectures series.
Professor Ruth Wisse of McGill University discusses the Yiddish writer I.L. Peretz in this 1988 lecture series, "Creative Survival: I.L. Peretz and the Makings of Modern Jewish Culture."
Professor Michael Walzer of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton discusses "Biblical Politics" in this 2008 Stroum Lectures series.
Professor Anita Norich discusses modern translations of Yiddish in this 2006 lecture series, “Speaking in Tongues: Translating Yiddish in the 20th Century.”
Professor Aron Rodrigue of Stanford University discusses Sephardic Jewry in modern times in this 2005 Stroum Lectures series, "Sephardi Jewries and the Holocaust."
Professor Paul Mendes-Flohr of Hebrew University of Jerusalem discusses "Post-Traditional Jewish Identities" in the 2001 Stroum Lectures series.