Around the world in four clicks! We hand-pick unusual and noteworthy news items of Jewish interest from all corners of the globe. It’s like taking your web-surfing in a convenient “to go” cup. A fresh serving of news, brought to you by JewDub.
This week, we showcase a mix of old and new. On one hand, we dig a story about archaeology (couldn’t resist that one!) and dive into a philosophical debate about the Jewish people’s biblically-based “chosen” status. On the contemporary side, we take a look at organ donation in Israel, and bring your attention to a great profile of a Jewish hockey player representing Germany.
Danielle Ofri, M.D., writes of a new Israeli initiative that gives transplant priority to patients who are also organ donors.
Haaretz reports as archeologists uncover Aelia Capitolina, a Roman city built on the ruins of the 2nd Temple.
The New York Times explores sports and nationality vis-a-vis hockey player Evan Kaufmann, one of a handful of German Jews to represent post-World War II Germany in international competition.
The Chosen People?: Deborah Waxman and Nancy Fuchs-Kreimer offer two views on Jewish peoplehood in ZEEK: The Jewish Journal of Thought and Culture.
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