Baruch SpinozaSpinoza &
Modern Jewish Philosophy

The 2017 Stroum Lectures were held in conjunction with an international conference on Spinoza and Modern Jewish Philosophy.

Together, the conference and the Lectures explored the myriad ways in which Spinoza has contributed to the development of modern Jewish philosophy.

Spinoza & Modern Jewish Philosophy

Short essays from conference participants that consider Spinoza’s legacy and compelling questions in modern Jewish philosophy.

Conference Schedule

Learn more about conference timing,
topics, and locations.

An international set of scholars will explore
Spinoza’s ideas and legacy.

This international conference explored the myriad ways in which Spinoza contributed to the development of modern Jewish philosophy.

Although Spinoza was banned from the Jewish community in 1656 due to his “abominable heresies,” posterity has come to see his work in a different light. For some, he is the central figure of the radical Enlightenment and the secular world. For others he is the first modern Jew, the harbinger of reforms that make Judaism possible in the modern world. Is Spinoza antithetical to the basic tenets of Judaism, or is his work essential to the articulation of a modern Jewish identity?

Conference sessions explored Spinoza’s philosophy and its impact on the philosophical, historical, and literary understanding of the modern world.

View photos from the conference and the 2017 Stroum Lectures:

Spinoza conference attendees ponder

The conference is supported by:

UW Department of Philosophy
UW Department of Germanics