Around the world in four clicks! We hand-pick unusual and noteworthy news items of Jewish interest from all corners of the globe. It’s like taking your web-surfing in a convenient “to go” cup. A fresh serving of news, brought to you by JewDub.
This week, we have two different perspectives from the Diaspora: a new take on hamantaschen from South Africa, as well as the important discovery of a 19th-century Ladino memoir. We also love the story of a surprising alliance between religious and secular Jews in Jerusalem attempting to restore the city’s cosmopolitan nature. Click below for more…
South African Hamantaschen, just in time for Purim!
A surprising alliance between secular and Haredi Jews in Jerusalem.
A bonanza for scholars of Sephardic history and fans of autobiography: the earliest known Ladino memoir from Salonica was recently found by Professor (and former Stroum Lecturer) Aron Rodrigue of Stanford University.
And lastly….some Mormons are still baptizing posthumously? Seriously?
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