“Hidden manuscripts, come out!”: Seattle Sephardic Legacies highlights Ladino literature
Hosted on June 2, 2019, the Seattle Sephardic Legacies event showcased Ladino artifacts that made their way from the Ottoman Empire to Seattle.
Hosted on June 2, 2019, the Seattle Sephardic Legacies event showcased Ladino artifacts that made their way from the Ottoman Empire to Seattle.
“Is it possible that a Jew who doesn’t speak Jewish (Yiddish) and doesn’t look Jewish can nevertheless have a Jewish soul?”
The Benezra family's complex journey from the Ottoman Empire to Seattle is best illustrated through family artifacts.
Preserve your letters, books, photographs, immigration documents, or other artifacts in the Sephardic Studies Digital Collection. Here's how.
Rare Ladino artifact returns to Seattle after two-year exhibition tour.
Sephardic Studies continues its work expanding understanding of the multiplicities of the Jewish experience, writes program director Devin Naar.
Three Years of the Sephardic Studies Program at a glance.