Israel Studies
COSPONSORED TALK | Ethnic Identity & Ethnic Organizing: Darfurian Asylum Seekers in Israel
Ph.D. student Lisa Richlen will discuss how Darfurian Sudanese refugees construct identity through community organizing in Israel.
VIDEO | American Christians and the Holy Land: Before, During and After Contemporary Pilgrimages to Israel/Palestine
RSVP for Zoom linkHillary Kaell discusses the modern phenomenon of American Christian pilgrimage trips to Israel/Palestine and how American Christians make sense of these experiences.
10/25 EVENT | “The Hangman”: On Adolf Eichmann’s Executioner — Screening & Conversation with Director Netalie Braun
Following a screening, director Netalie Braun will discuss the story of Shalom Nagav, the Yemenite Jew who executed Adolf Eichmann and has ruminated on this experience ever since. In conversation with Smadar Ben-Natan and Liora Halperin.
11/18 BENAROYA LECTURE | Analyzing the Israeli COVID-19 Response in Context: Social, Historical and Ethical Perspectives
Epidemiologist and public health expert Nadav Davidovitch will discuss public health and the COVID-19 pandemic by looking at past large-scale public health challenges, drawing on examples from the state of Israel.
1/19 EVENT| Book Talk & Discussion: “The Oldest Guard: Forging the Zionist Settler Past” – Liora R. Halperin
Liora R. Halperin will discuss her new book, "The Oldest Guard: Forging the Zionist Settler Past," and the creation of historical narratives related to early Jewish settlements in Ottoman Palestine, with fellow faculty member Noam Pianko.
1/20 PANEL| Scholarly Perspectives — “The Oldest Guard: Forging the Zionist Settler Past”
Scholars Alon Confino (UMass Amherst), Nahum Karlinsky (Ben-Gurion University), and Sherene Seikaly (UCSB) discuss faculty member Liora R. Halperin's new book about Jewish settlements in 19th-century Ottoman Palestine.
4/12 TALK | The Rise of Modern Vernacular Hebrew: How Language Shapes Identity (and Vice Versa)
Linguist Ivy Sichel will discuss the rise of modern Hebrew, and the ways in which a new vernacular language variety can spread, and influence those who speak it.
12/1 EVENT | Israeli Elections Panel
Zoom 0On the heels of the 5th Israeli election in 4 years, the Stroum Center for Jewish Studies' Israel Studies Program invites you to attend a panel of experts as they debrief the results and talk about what the outcome means—both for the future of Israel, and the world at large.
2/15 TALK | Masua Sagiv on Religious Feminism and Social Change in Israel
HUB 214, UW Seattle Campus 4001 E Stevens Way NE, Seattle, WA, United StatesMasua Sagiv dives into the revolution of religious feminism and social change that has been developing in Israel over the past two decades, and continues on today.
3/31 EVENT | A Workshop with Rachel Brown
Thomson 317, UW Campus 2023 Skagit Lane, Seattle, WA, United StatesThe Stroum Center for Jewish Studies is hosting Rachel Brown for a morning workshop, in which she'll discuss chapter 1 of her forthcoming paper, titled “Land, Reproductive Labor and Accumulation: Situating Migrant Carework in Israel/Palestine”. Jewish Studies grad fellow Jake Beckert will serve as respondent.
1/24 WEBINAR | A New Day in Babylon and Jerusalem: Zionism, Power, Politics, and Identity
RSVP for Zoom linkHistorian Sara Hirschhorn will discuss the modern histories of Zionism and the Left, and the unraveling of American Jewish unanimity around Israel between 1967 and 1975.
1/31 LECTURE | The Israel-Palestine Conflict: Finding a Path Forward – Lecture with Alon Tal
Kane Hall 110 4069 Spokane Lane, Seattle, WA, United StatesAlon Tal, scholar, environmentalist and former Knesset member, will present on the Israel-Palestine conflict.
2/22 LECTURE | Jerusalem in Rome and Galilee: Encountering the Holy City in Jewish and Christian Mosaics
Thomson Hall 101 2023 King Lane, Seattle, WA, United StatesPresentation by Karen Britt and Ra'anan Boustan on depictions in Jewish and Christian religious spaces of Jerusalem in antiquity.
3/27 EVENT | A Spark of King David: The Musical Poetry of Rabbi Israel Najara Then and Now
Kane Hall 220 4069 Spokane Ln, Seattle, WA, USEdwin Seroussi of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem will discuss the pizmonim (musical religious poems) of 16th-century rabbi Israel Najara.
6/25 LECTURE | Not a Good Time for Hebrew? Novelist Maya Arad & “The Hebrew Teacher”
RSVP for locationHebrew-language author Maya Arad will discuss her latest collection of novellas, "The Hebrew Teacher," with Naomi Sokoloff.