Calendar of Events
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5/6 SEMINAR | Jewish Writers from 20th-Century Ukraine: In the Midst of Pogrom Violence
5/6 SEMINAR | Jewish Writers from 20th-Century Ukraine: In the Midst of Pogrom Violence
A reading & discussion-based online seminar with faculty member Sasha Senderovich, looking at the prose and poetry of Jewish writers from Ukraine at three key moments in the 20th century. Advance registration required.
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5/10 STROUM LECTURE | Does the United States Have a Jewish Question?
5/10 STROUM LECTURE | Does the United States Have a Jewish Question?
Historian Lila Corwin Berman looks at questions of Jews' citizenship and belonging in the United States over the course of American history.
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5/12 STROUM LECTURE | Belonging in Question: Jews in the American Civic and Legal Imagination
5/12 STROUM LECTURE | Belonging in Question: Jews in the American Civic and Legal Imagination
Historian Lila Corwin Berman looks at the question of Jews' citizenship and belonging in the United States across American history.
5/12 STUDENT EVENT| Post-Stroum Lecture Boba and Conversation
5/12 STUDENT EVENT| Post-Stroum Lecture Boba and Conversation
Join staff from Hillel UW and a UW faculty member to discuss this year's Stroum Lectures over bubble tea — our treat!
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5/19 WORKSHOP | Nation-State and Citizenship: The Exclusion and Persecution of Greek Jews in Romania Under the National Legionary State
5/19 WORKSHOP | Nation-State and Citizenship: The Exclusion and Persecution of Greek Jews in Romania Under the National Legionary State
Join Fulbright Scholar and UW Visiting Lecturer Nikos Tzafleris to workshop his article-in-progress on how Jews with Greek citizenship living in Romania navigated rising antisemitism and nationalism during a turbulent period of European history. Open to graduate students and faculty.
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5/20 SEMINAR | Jewish Writers from 20th-Century Ukraine: In the Shadow of the Holocaust
5/20 SEMINAR | Jewish Writers from 20th-Century Ukraine: In the Shadow of the Holocaust
A reading & discussion-based online seminar with faculty member Sasha Senderovich, looking at the prose and poetry of Jewish writers from Ukraine at three key moments in the 20th century. Advance registration required.
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5/23 EVENT| An Evening with Gadeer Kamal-Mreeh
5/23 EVENT| An Evening with Gadeer Kamal-Mreeh
Israeli/Druze emissary to the U.S. Gadeer Kamal-Mreeh will discuss her experiences as a journalist and former Knesset member, and "the complexity of Israel," with faculty member Alan Dowty.
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GRADUATE COLLOQUIUM | Political and Archival Policies: International and Local Perspectives
GRADUATE COLLOQUIUM | Political and Archival Policies: International and Local Perspectives
Graduate fellows Francis Abugbilla and Lili Brown present about Israeli foreign policy in Africa and archiving local Sephardic history.
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GRADUATE COLLOQUIUM | Reimagining Jewish Narratives in New Contexts: From Antiquity to the Present
GRADUATE COLLOQUIUM | Reimagining Jewish Narratives in New Contexts: From Antiquity to the Present
Graduate fellows Aaron Carpenter, Shelby Handler, and Forrest Martin present their research in 20-minute presentations.