Academic Lectures
3/10 COSPONSORED EVENT | Negotiating Carceral Regimes – “All Things Being Equal”: Mobile Extractions in a Carceral World
Ann Laura Stoler will discuss the theoretical underpinnings of "free" prison labor in the keynote lecture of the "Negotiating Carceral Regimes" series.
3/11 COSPONSORED EVENT | Negotiating Carceral Regimes – Colloquium: “Interior Frontiers and the Entrails of Inequality”
Ann Laura Stoler will lead a colloquium for graduate students and faculty on her recent book of essays "Interior Frontiers and the Entrails of Inequality."
3/31 COSPONSORED EVENT | Negotiating Carceral Regimes: Why Is It So Hard to Shrink the Carceral State?
What are the myths that make it so hard to reduce incarceration? Legal scholar Jonathan Simon explains.
4/12 TALK | The Rise of Modern Vernacular Hebrew: How Language Shapes Identity (and Vice Versa)
Linguist Ivy Sichel will discuss the rise of modern Hebrew, and the ways in which a new vernacular language variety can spread, and influence those who speak it.
5/10 STROUM LECTURE | Does the United States Have a Jewish Question?
Kane Hall 220 4069 Spokane Ln, Seattle, WA, USHistorian Lila Corwin Berman looks at questions of Jews' citizenship and belonging in the United States over the course of American history.
5/12 STROUM LECTURE | Belonging in Question: Jews in the American Civic and Legal Imagination
Kane Hall 220 4069 Spokane Ln, Seattle, WA, USHistorian Lila Corwin Berman looks at the question of Jews' citizenship and belonging in the United States across American history.
6/1 TALK | Silenced Horrors: Sexual Violence During the Holocaust in Ukraine
Zoom 0In this talk, Marta Havryshko (Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences) will discuss the silence around sexual violence that occurred in Ukraine during the Holocaust, and the devastating impact of this kind of violence in this and in other wars and genocides.
10/6 TALK | How the Soviet Jew Was Made — Sasha Senderovich
HUB 214, UW Seattle Campus 4001 E Stevens Way NE, Seattle, WA, United StatesFaculty member Sasha Senderovich will discuss his recent book, "How the Soviet Jew Was Made."
10/19 TALK | Arabian Judaism and Early Islam
Zoom 0Who were the Jews of late ancient western Arabia? Hamza M. Zafer will explain how the Quran and other early Muslim writings provide tantalizing evidence about these communities.
10/26 TALK | The Jews of Medieval Baghdad in the Abbasid Era
Zoom 0Learn about the significant Jewish population — including Talmudic yeshivas, government officials, and financial agents — that resided in Baghdad, at the heart of the Abbasid caliph's imperial rule, for more than 500 years.
11/2 TALK | Jews and Muslims in Colonial Algeria: Between Intimacy and Resentment
Zoom 0Yuval Tal will explore the unique relations between Muslims and Jews in the French colony of Algeria between 1830 and 1962, examining the culture they shared and how colonial rule shaped their daily encounters.
11/10 TALK | Coffeehouses, Parks, and Neighborhoods: Jews and Muslims in 20th-Century Cairo
Zoom 0Alon Tam will explore the social history of the Jewish community in Egypt, looking at public places such as coffeehouses, parks, neighborhoods, and more.
11/15 EVENT | Territories of Ladino in its Postvernacular Mode: The Case of Poetry and Literary Translation
Denny Hall 213In this seminar Dr. August-Zarębska will explain the concept of postvernacularity and will argue that the revival of Sephardic literature from the late 1970s till now may be seen as a part of the postvernacular Ladino culture.
2/15 TALK | Masua Sagiv on Religious Feminism and Social Change in Israel
HUB 214, UW Seattle Campus 4001 E Stevens Way NE, Seattle, WA, United StatesMasua Sagiv dives into the revolution of religious feminism and social change that has been developing in Israel over the past two decades, and continues on today.
2/23 RESEARCH COLLOQUIUM | “Suppose the Mother were Jewish”, a Happy Hour with Susan Glenn
Smith Room, Suzzallo Library, UW 4000 15th Ave NE, Seattle, WA, United StatesThe Stroum Center for Jewish Studies is thrilled to invite you to a happy-hour research colloquium led by Susan Glenn, in which she will discuss her forthcoming paper, “Suppose the Mother Were Jewish”: Leo Pfeffer, the American Jewish Congress, and the Problem of Religious Protection Law.