Intro to Judaism offers unique learning experience
Diverse content and a unique teaching style make this class hard to beat. Register for Autumn Quarter starting May 8th!
Diverse content and a unique teaching style make this class hard to beat. Register for Autumn Quarter starting May 8th!
Noam Pianko explores the past of Jewish peoplehood to consider its future possibilities.
One night. Four talks. Endless possibilities. Catch the 3rd annual JewDub Talks on Jan. 29th!
Noam Pianko is one of three scholars debating how Intro to Judaism courses should be rethought in the 21st century.
How the Stroum Center is reaching broader audiences with interactive online projects.
An online gallery of student projects from Prof. Noam Pianko's Spring 2014 course.
Probing the relationship among Jewish Studies, universities, and the public.
How asking big questions can transform Introduction to Judaism courses.