The religion of law and the law of religion: A 16th-century Ottoman murder mystery shows the rich history contained in Jewish and Muslim legal “questions and answers”

Religious legal scholars' explanations of their reasoning, called "questions and answers" in Hebrew, are a valuable source for historians, writes graduate fellow Elyakim Suissa.

Sustainers’ Circle Spotlight: Harvey J. Sadis & Harriett M. Cody

This past year, in the wake of the Sephardic Studies Program’s 10th anniversary, Harvey J. Sadis and Harriett M. Cody, a retired King County Superior Court judge, created the Jean and Joseph Sadis Sustainers Fund in Sephardic Studies as part of the newly launched Sustainers’ Circle, which represents the next stage of philanthropic support for SSP (Sephardic Studies Program).  

Food for thought: Learning culture, cooking, and verb conjugations through Sephardic recipes

Student Stephanie Dossett recalls her experience learning from Professor Canan Bolel in the Ladino Language and Culture course, which inspired her to cook and bake Sephardic foods.

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