Carob Trees, the Daf Yomi, and Bedoiuns
Unusual Jewish news from around the world. Up this week: Lag B'omer traditions and Bedouins in the IDF.
Unusual Jewish news from around the world. Up this week: Lag B'omer traditions and Bedouins in the IDF.
Can the number 40, a special number in Jewish tradition, serve as the timeframe for a meaningful Jewish transformation? A think-piece by Jamie Merriman-Cohen.
What can the career of a Russian theater legend teach us about Soviet Jewish identity in the period of Israel's establishment?
The upcoming Passover holiday compels us to consider how to eradicate the equivalent of modern-day slavery right here in Seattle.
Dr. Daniel K. Heller is an expert in Jewish youth movements in interwar Poland.
Can we change the cycle of gloomy attitudes to Hebrew school? Rabbi Jill Levy suggests that we learn the art of the power pose.
Shrines to Esther, Haman's ketubbah, outrageous groggers. Art expert Shalom Sabar dips into his treasure trove of Purim art and artifacts.
Unusual Jewish news. Up this week: an Afghan geniza, Jerusalem train pranks, and more.