Ladino Day 2017: Yasmin Levy in Concert
Read a writeup of 2017's program and explore the music of Sephardic singer Yasmin Levy.
Read a writeup of 2017's program and explore the music of Sephardic singer Yasmin Levy.
Upcoming lectures by Devin Naar about his award winning book "Jewish Salonica: Between the Ottoman Empire and Modern Greece."
Sunday, Dec 3, 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. PST
Location: Zoom
We are pleased to share our video recording of the November 30, 2016 International Ladino Day celebration in Seattle.
What can a quote from Racine's play Esther tell us about what it was like to be a young Jewish woman in 20th century France?
Stroum Center Opportunity Grant winner Ozgur Ozkan reflects on the ties between Çanakkale, Turkey, and Sephardic Seattle.
The University of Washington is hosting an international symposium focused on the late Ottoman period (variously defined) and successor regimes (e.g. Republican Turkey, Arab and Balkan nation-states, British mandate Palestine or French mandate Syria).