Sephardic Life Cycle Customs
Explore the diverse origins of Sephardic life cycle customs and trace their dynamic evolutions from the Ottoman Empire to the United States.
Explore the diverse origins of Sephardic life cycle customs and trace their dynamic evolutions from the Ottoman Empire to the United States.
Finding clues to a great-grandmother's migratory life in her notebook from the Alliance Israelite Universelle school.
The art of the boreka told through the Ladino letters of Rachel Shemarya.
In Seattle, Jews from the former Ottoman Empire learned to embrace an American tradition.
Get ready for Ladino Day 2016 with an interview with David Raphael, director of the documentary "Song of the Sephardim," originally published in 1978 in JTNews.
Non-Muslims were accepted in the Ottoman Empire, but the tolerance policy for Jews had limits. Devin E. Naar suggests why tolerance is a double-edged idea.
Ashley Bobman, UW Class of 2016, helped create an online exhibit about the Sephardic intellectual Albert D. Levy--her own great-grandfather.
Terrified by an unstable world, Sephardic scholar Albert Adatto turned to his native language to call for peace.