From Rhodes to Racine: Why a Sephardic Teenager in 20th-Century Paris Was Reading the Tragedy Esther
What can a quote from Racine's play Esther tell us about what it was like to be a young Jewish woman in 20th century France?
What can a quote from Racine's play Esther tell us about what it was like to be a young Jewish woman in 20th century France?
Canan Bolel, an Opportunity Grant winner, reflects on how being from Izmir, Turkey, and learning Hebrew have both affected her identity.
Mazel tov to Dr. Devin E. Naar, whose archival work for "Jewish Salonica," his first book, won two National Jewish Book Awards.
Finding clues to a great-grandmother's migratory life in her notebook from the Alliance Israelite Universelle school.
The art of the boreka told through the Ladino letters of Rachel Shemarya.
Non-Muslims were accepted in the Ottoman Empire, but the tolerance policy for Jews had limits. Devin E. Naar suggests why tolerance is a double-edged idea.